SPOUG Academy: Oracle 23c Review – Oracle 19c & 23c Best New Features and Tips

This presentation will look at which 19c new features (automatic indexing, Quarantine, JSON data, Three user-created PDBs, Read-mostly Standby, and Autonomous Databases) that should be investigated for use. This presentation will also have a few 21c & 23c new features such as AutoML, Standby Result Cache, and InMemory enhancements including Base Level. Some 23c features include True Cache, Locking Enhancements, Schema Level Privileges, Machine Learning Enhancements & more.   Many features covered will be related to the DBA, but there are also some that focus on the developer. There will be simple examples, where possible, to show the basic functionality of the new features. in. We will also look at the autonomous database and Oracle’s focus on the future of security.

REGISTRATE AQUI: https://spoug.trainercentral.eu/session/oracle-19c-amp-23c-best-new-features-and-tips-5723523164