SPOUG Academy: Base de datos vectorial + RAG + Partnership Cohere – In the Cloud, Performance is Instrumented as Cost

This is the story of how one customer simultaneously improved performance and saved money on their cloud subscription. The single most important thing they did was to clearly state their goal. That set the ground rules for sizing and configuring both their database and application.
In the cloud, you rent hardware as an operational expense, rather than purchasing it as a capital expense. Every architectural decision you make has an immediate cost consequence. In the cloud, you can have as much performance as you are willing to pay for. This drives out different behaviour.
If you are not short of CPU, you are probably spending too much.
If you are short of CPU, then you need to configure the resource manager.
This session will look at how that played out at one customer, who moved their GL reporting batch on PeopleSoft Financials onto Exadata Cloud-at-Customer. They improved performance and saved money on their cloud subscription. The single most important thing they did was to clearly state their goal. That set the ground rules for sizing and configuring both their database and their application, implementing various database features, including defining a resource manager plan, partitioning, materialized views, compression, in-memory. Active data guard is next on the agenda.
¿Qué se va a aprender? How to think about performance. How that informs how much you need to build in the cloud