SPOUG Academy: High Availability Systems – Top 5 Availability Features in Oracle Database

This session will cover the top 5 Availability features in the Oracle Database providing HA and Scalability for your application. We will introduce the features and also provide indepth technical details of how these features protect every aspect of your infrastructure, right from the server, network to the application.

In this session, we will cover features that provide resiliency to the database regardless of failure. Failures such as server crashes or network crashes need to be distinguished from a hung session session which could silently prevent other sessions from performing the insert/update/delete operations. After this session, you will learn how important it is to monitor the database comprehensively and to ensure that the different components are monitored and the right action is taken for a component failure. For example, no point in failing to another node if the hung session is causing the application hang.

¿Que se va a aprender? As a Database Administrator, you will learn about the features that provide HA to the Oracle Database. As a developer, you will learn how to delegate responsibility of providing HA to the Oracle Database, so you can focus on business logic.

REGISTRATE AQUI: https://spoug.trainercentral.eu/session/top-5-availability-features-in-oracle-database–2280792868